DPP Website Forms - Consent to Follow Up

When filling out a follow up form on our website, you will be asked to provide contact information for yourself and wealth manager. By providing this information and checking the box on the form, you consent to being contacted by Digital Privacy and Protection via electronic means, including phone, email, or automated SMS. Standard data rates may apply. DPP will not sell any of this information. I understand their privacy policy which is located at https://www.dpripro.com/privacy-policy.

DPP Global Privacy Statement


When it comes to Your personal data, Digital Privacy & Protection, LLC and its subsidiaries as well as our employees, contractors, and service providers, are committed to providing You with transparency. We process personal data in accordance with applicable legislation.

We do not, share, sell, lease, or rent any information that can directly identify You to third parties, except as necessary to provide the Services, as required by law or as provided in this Policy.

This Privacy Policy (“Policy”) applies to the Questionnaire, Web Portal Information Collection Menu and our services and sublicensed technology (our “Services”) that link to or reference this Policy.

Additional information on our personal data practices may be provided in product descriptions, contractual terms, supplemental privacy policies, or notices provided prior to or at the time We collect Your data.

Categories of Personal Data We Collect:

 The categories of personal data that We collect, and the general purposes of collection, include:

  • Initial Information. This data is necessary to establish Your account and method/means of payment, provide to You technology and services, and track and maintain our relationship with You. It includes:

    • Name, home addresses, email addresses and phone numbers;

    • Billing data, including custodial account data;

    • Your Device and Home Device information;

    • The Web browsers and search engines that you regularly use; and.

  • Administrative Data. This includes data We receive from You and from third parties that is necessary to facilitate installation of our sublicensed technology and track Your payments so that we can provide our Services on an ongoing basis.

  • Web Portal Information Collection Menu.  We will collect large amounts of information including but not limited to personal data – including but not limited to, Your Social Security numbers; credit and debit card numbers; bank, custodial and brokerage account numbers; etc. – so that We can use it to monitor whether it may have been stolen.   We also will collect a list of every online account and app that You use and Your associated email address so that We can populate a password manager for You.   

  • Third-Party Data. This information includes data We may obtain about You from a third party, or data provided about You from a third party through the use of our Services, including Dark Web Monitoring, Credit Report Monitoring, Underage Children Identity Theft Monitoring and Property Title Monitoring data used to analyze threats and protect You against cyber and title threats.

  • Lost Equipment Data Wiping. This includes data on lost Devices so that We can attempt to remotely wipe the lost Device’s memory.

  • Annual Digital Privacy & Security Review. This includes information on Your Devices, apps, online accounts, browsers, and search engines used to analyze threats and protect You against cyber and title threats and to provide the Annual Digital Protection Update.

  • Identity Reestablishment. This includes non-public personal information and other data necessary to make filings with various governmental agencies, corporations and credit bureaus as part of a process to reestablish your stolen or lost identity.


The Purpose of Processing Your Personal Data

We collect and process Your personal data for the following reasons:

For the purpose of fulfilling our legal obligations, We may be obligated to, for instance, keep and process records for tax purposes, accounting, other obligations such as court or other legal orders, and other necessary disclosures. 

For the purpose of promoting and operating our business and advancing our legitimate interests, such as the effective delivery of our Services, and communications to You as well as to our other customers and partners, in order to:

  • Provide You with information and Services that You request;

  • Notify You about changes to our terms or this Privacy Policy;

  • Better administer and understand the usability, performance, and effectiveness of our Services, including troubleshooting, data analytics, testing, research, and statistical analysis;

  • Improve our Services (including developing new Services) in the most relevant and effective manner for You and for Your Devices, including suggestions and recommendations about things that may be of interest to You; 

  • Enhance the security of our own networks and information systems; 

  • Develop cyber-threat intelligence resources; and

  • Otherwise keep our Services, business, and users safe and secure, and comply with applicable laws and regulations to protect or exercise our legal rights and defend against legal claims.

How We Collect Your Personal Data

We collect personal data about You from the following sources:

Data You provide:

  • When You interact directly with Us, We may collect personal data that You provide to Us (e.g., account and payment information).

Data we collect about You from third parties:

  • Credit reporting agencies; 

  • Dark Web Monitoring, Credit Report Monitoring, Underage Children Identity Theft Monitoring and Property Title Monitoring Public data to alert You to potential misuse of Your data; and

  • Private sources for purposes of providing customers with alerts related to financial transactions, property title, social media abuse, and other types of alerts within our products.

When and Why We Share Your Personal Data

We are committed to maintaining Your trust, and We want You to understand that we do not, share, sell, lease, or rent any information that can directly identify You to third parties, except as necessary to provide the Services, as required by law or as provided in this Policy.

With Service Providers Processing Data on Our Behalf

We may use contractors and service providers to process the personal data We collect for the purposes described in this Policy, the relevant Product and Service Privacy Policy, and for business purposes such as financial auditing, data storage and security, troubleshooting and debugging, improving and operationalizing threat intelligence and counter-threat measures, and for marketing and promoting our Services.

Our contracts with them regarding your data are consistent with their standard privacy policies. Please review their sites and terms of use if you have any additional questions. However, if You have a separate and/or independent relationship with these service providers, their privacy policies will apply to such relationships.

With Public Authorities and Legal Proceedings

In certain instances, it may be necessary for Us to disclose any of the personal data We collect to comply with a legal obligation, at the request of public authorities, or as otherwise required by applicable law. No personal data will be disclosed except in response to:

  • A subpoena, warrant, or other legal process issued by a court or other public authority of competent jurisdiction;

  • Discovery requests or demands as part of a civil lawsuit or similar legal process;

  • Where disclosure is necessary for Us to enforce our legal rights pursuant to applicable law;

  • A request with the purpose of identifying and/or preventing credit card fraud or identity theft; or

  • Where disclosure of personal data is necessary to prevent or lessen a serious and imminent threat of bodily or other significant harm to the data subject or other individuals potentially concerned.

For Restoration Services

We may disclose Your user data, security data, diagnostic information, and third-party data to financial institutions, financial services companies, and other third parties at Your direction to provide restoration services and other Services to You.

With Our Corporate Affiliates

We may share all of the information We collect with our corporate affiliates.

For Business Transfers

In the event of a merger, consolidation, sale, or transfer of all or substantially all of our assets or business, one of the assets that would generally be transferred is the data we have collected, which would be transferred subject to the applicable version of this Policy..

Aggregate and De-Identified Data.

We may aggregate data received from various users (which does not include data that can directly identify You) and share it with or sell it to our affiliates, business partners, and other third parties.  De-identified data may be used by Us or third parties for research purposes (including to help Us improve our products), or any other legitimate business purpose.

Retention and Deletion of Your Personal Data

We will keep Your personal data on our systems as long as necessary to provide You with our Services, or for as long as We have another legitimate business purpose to do so, but not longer than permitted or required by law. When We no longer have an ongoing legitimate business reason to keep Your personal data, Your personal data will either be securely disposed of, or de-identified through an appropriate anonymization means, such as aggregation, truncation, or one-way hashing so it is no longer identifiable as Your personal data.

How We Protect Your Personal Data

Securing personal data is an important aspect of protecting privacy. We take reasonable and appropriate physical, technical, and organizational security measures in accordance with applicable laws to protect Your personal data against the risk of accidental loss, compromise, or any form of unauthorized access, disclosure, or processing. The relevant security controls are communicated throughout Digital Privacy & Protection, LLC to support the secure development of Services and maintain a secure operating environment. Our security approach includes:

Technical Safeguards

We implement and use reasonably available state-of-the-art network and information security standards, protocols, and technologies, including encryption, intrusion detection, and data loss prevention, and We monitor our systems and data centers to comply with our security policies.



Organizational Safeguards

We conduct regular company-wide as well as role-specific training and awareness programs on security and privacy.

If You have any questions about the security of Your personal data or the security of the site, or wish to report a potential security issue, please contact support@DigPP.com.  When reporting a potential security issue, please describe the matter in as much detail as possible and include any information that might be helpful.

Your Privacy Rights

Subject to applicable laws, You may have the following rights:

  • Delete: Right to delete or erasure (“right to be forgotten”) of personal data We have collected about You;

  • Access: Right to access the personal data We have collected about You, as well as other information about our data processing practices;

  • Rectify: Right to rectify, correct, update, or complement inaccurate or incomplete personal data We have about You;

  • Restrict: Right to restrict the way We process Your personal data;

  • Withdraw Consent: Right to withdraw Your consent to process Your personal data;

  • Object: Right to object to our processing of Your personal data based on legitimate interest;

  • Portability of Personal Data: Right to obtain a portable copy of Your personal data; and

  • Lodge a Complaint: Right to lodge a complaint with a supervisory authority if You are not satisfied with the way We have handled Your personal data, or any privacy request, or other request that You have raised with Us.

Your California Privacy Rights

California law entitles California residents to certain additional protections regarding Personal Data. For purposes of this section alone, “Personal Data” means any information that identifies, relates to, describes, is capable of being associated with, or could reasonably be linked, directly or indirectly, with a particular California resident or household. California residents have the right to request:

·       information regarding your Personal Data we have collected in the past 12 months (including the categories of Personal Data we have collected, the categories of sources of such information, and the purposes for which we have collected such information);

·       notice of whether we have disclosed your Personal Data to third parties in the past 12 months (and if so, what categories of information we have disclosed, and what categories of third parties we have disclosed it to);

·       a copy of your Personal Data collected by us in the past 12 months; and

·       that your Personal Data be deleted.

Third Party Sites

The Service may include hyperlinks to third party sites and services. If you visit or use such third party sites and services, please be mindful that the relevant third party (and not us) controls the cookies and other technologies it uses on its sites and how it collects, uses, and shares personal data from you. This Policy only governs our own privacy practices; please review the applicable third party privacy policy when visiting or using any third party sites or services.

To exercise any of Your rights, or to raise any other questions, concerns, or complaints about our privacy practices, or about our use of Your personal data and its privacy, or if You are not a customer of ours and want to know what personal data We have about You, please contact Us at support@digpp.com .  

Once We receive Your request, We will verify Your identity and Your authorization to take the actions requested, authenticating Your identity at a level appropriate to the requested action. We require You to re-authenticate before We will disclose or delete data. You may be entitled, in accordance with applicable law, to submit a request through an authorized agent. To designate an authorized agent to exercise Your rights and choices on Your behalf, please contact Digital Privacy & Protection, LLC.  In certain instances, we may be permitted by law to decline some or all of Your requests.

In some instances, We are unable to delete or erase Your personal data upon request as a result of an ongoing legal obligation such as a legal hold or court order. Depending on Your location, there may be other restrictions or exemptions to full deletion or erasure of Your personal data.

We will not discriminate against You for exercising Your rights and choices, although some of the functionality and features available on a Service may change or no longer be available to You where the processing of certain data is essential to the use of the Service or feature.

No mobile information will be shared with third parties/affiliates for marketing/promotional purposes. All other categories exclude text messaging originator opt-in data and consent; this information will not be shared with any third parties